Decatur, Illinois –The Beautify Decatur Coalition (BDC) has once again entered Decatur in the America in Bloom (AIB) National Awards Program for 2020.
“The purpose for entering is to elevate our beautification efforts, bring in more resources and volunteers to the table, and give Decatur the recognition we deserve,” Ellen Hearn, BDC projects chair, stated.
The evaluation criterion for the AIB program covers areas like: floral displays, landscaped areas, urban forestry, environmental efforts, heritage preservation, and overall impression. Based on these criteria, communities will receive different awards and recognition.
In 2018, Decatur received a 7-star rating out of a possible 10 stars and was recognized for its landscaped areas and profile submission. Additionally, Decatur brought home Best Use of Social Media special award and the YouTube Video award.
While some recommendations were provided, overall the judges were impressed with Decatur. “It is a fun, vibrant city with many new improvements and more on the horizon. The businesses are welcoming, the streets clean, the town [is] litter and graffiti-free and there is a wonderful array of public art throughout the city,” the evaluation noted.
“Our 2018 AIB scores exceeded our expectations. Now so much has changed since the judges were here last including the Devon, Splash Cove waterpark, Meaningful Meadows at MRI, the Litter Critter, the social service campus and many more murals,” Hearn said. “It is time to reach for more AIB recognition for our community’s transformational journey.”
Work has already begun to prepare for a visit from the judges in early July 2020. BDC encourages businesses, groups and individuals to help in any way possible from volunteering to donations. To sign-up to volunteer or to make a donation, visit For more information on the America in Bloom contest, visit
